Welcome to We B Kidz. We hope your experience here will be enjoyable. We B Kidz is committed to be the best of the best in the provision of quality child care. The Parent Handbook has been written to describe our program, philosophy, policies, and all the practical details that go into supporting your child to grow to their fullest potential in a safe, caring and educational environment. The center supervisor would be glad to address any of your questions or concerns.

Programs and Hours of Operation

We B Kidz provides services for children 18 months to 6 years of age. We provide care Monday to Friday, 7 am to 6:00 pm, all year long. Our center would not operate on statuary holidays.(Family Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day. We will have adjusted hours (closed early) on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. Hours will be posted for parents every year. If the centre will be closed due to inclement weather or unexpected circumstances the information will be broadcast through an email from center supervisor.

Program Statement

Our Program statement describes our views of the children, families, and educators. We B Kidz program statement is consistent with the Ministry of Education’s policy statement on programming and pedagogy referred to in How Does Learning Happen? As we continue to explore the curriculum, we refer to the following Ministry documents for guidance:

How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for Early Years

Ontario Early Years Framework

Think Feel Act: Lessons from Research about Young Children

Early Learning for Every Child Today

We invite you to learn more about the We B Kidz program statement in the below link.

Child’s Behaviour Guide

Young children benefit from an affirming approach that encourages positive interactions with other children and with adults, rather than from a negative or punitive approach intended to manage unwanted behavior. The We B Kidz Program Statement sets out approaches that support positive interactions between children, families, staff and the community Throughout the day, there will be times when children have difficulty coping with a situation.

Positive Child Guidance Practices:

  • Redirection: When a child misbehaves during activity time, direct the child’s attention to the activity or area that is appropriate through clear communication. Let the child to refocus his/her energy on another activity. When child is ready allows him/her to speak about motive of his/ her behaviour. Allow child to re enter the previous activity and provide chances for the child to correct his/ her behaviour
  • Offer choices: Offer choices and giving options to children increase their engagement in the daily routine and activities. offer a choice between two things that you can accept. “Would you like to do painting at this table or do you like to Join Ms. Sara’s group at the carpet?”
  • Communication: Staff must foster communication. Children should be encouraged to use words to describe what they need and how they feel. Children should also practice socially accepted behaviour such as apology or turn taking and to resolve their disagreement with other classmates. Teachers should provide opportunities which children can practice these social skills
  • Discipline: Staff should come close to child and speak with child at eye level rather than talking across the classroom. Discipline should be use in positive and consistent manner.
  • Role Model: Staff must be good role models for children. (i.e. staff shouldn’t sit on furniture such as tables, shelves, etc.)

Teachers may document in the incident report the child’s behaviour (if child shows aggressive behaviour), the situation that caused the misbehaving and the positive child guidance practices that have been used. This documentation allows for clear and ongoing communication with parents and it facilitates the best support that the child needs in consultation with parents. Please note that We B Kidz teachers can not name other children involved in the situation.

Giving Instruction:

  • Staff must use calm voice and be clear and specific in giving instruction.
  • Instruction should not be too long, too short, or too complicated for the child’s age.
  • Give time to child to follow through given instruction. If child needs, staff must repeat the instruction.

Prohibited Practices:

   The following prohibited practices are not permitted:

  • Corporal punishment of the child
  • Physical restraint of the child, such as confining the child to a highchair, car seat, stroller or other device for the purposes of discipline or in lieu of supervision
  • Locking the exits of the childcare centre or home child care premises for the purpose of confining the child, or confining the child in an area or room without adult supervision
  • Use of harsh or degrading measures or threats or use of derogatory language directed at or used in the presence of a child that would humiliate, shame or frighten the child or undermine his or her self-respect, dignity or self-worth.
  • Use of loud tone of voice
  • Depriving the child of basic needs including food, drink, shelter, sleep, toilet use, clothing or bedding;
  • Inflicting any bodily harm on children including making children eat or drink against their will.


Daily Routine

    1. Attendance: We are required to keep a daily attendance record for each child which shows the times of arrival and departure, as well as the absence of children. Parents must escort their child to a staff on duty when they arrive each day. Staff will conduct health check upon arrival of child to the classroom. If educators notice bruise, cut, scrape or etc. during health check, they ask parents what happened, and they document the reason. Staff member won’t admit children showing signs of illnesses.
  1. Safe Arrival and Dismissal Policy and Procedures

    We B Kidz will ensure that any child only released to the child’s parent/guardian or an individual that the parent/guardian has provided written authorization the child care centre may release the child to

    We B Kidz only dismiss children into the care of their parent/guardian or another authorized individual.  The centre will not release any children from care without supervision.

    Parents are required to provide an authorized pick-up list during the registration process by specifying the names of individuals permitted to pick up their child in the designated section. Should parents wish to make changes to the authorized pick-up list later, such requests will only be accepted through written communication via Himama or email. No other forms of communication will be considered for this purpose. Parents must notify the center if there are any changes to the child’s pick-up procedure (i.e., someone other than the parent/guardian picking up) the staff must confirm that the person is listed on or where the individual is not listed, ask the parent/guardian to provide authorization for pick-up in writing (e.g., note or email).

    Where a child does not arrive in care as expected or is not picked up as expected, staff must follow the safe arrival and dismissal procedures set out below.

    Accepting a child into care

    1. When accepting a child into care at the time of drop-off, program staff in the room must:
      • greet the parent/guardian and child.
      • ask the parent/guardian how the child’s evening/morning has been and
      • If they notify you that there will be changes in the pick up procedure in the afternoon, document the change in pick-up procedure in the daily written record.
      • sign the child in on the classroom attendance record.

    Where a child has not arrived in care as expected

    n the event that a child does not arrive at the child care center and the parent/guardian has not communicated a change in drop-off (e.g., left a voice message or marking absent on the app), the classroom staff are required to take the following steps:

    1. Initiate contact with the child’s parent/guardian no later than 10:30 am, unless the usual drop-off time for the child is later than 10:30 am.
    2. Begin by calling the parent’s number; if there is no response, leave a voicemail. If there is no return call within 15 minutes, proceed to send a message through the Lillio/Himama app.
    3. Once the child’s absence has been confirmed, program staff shall document the child’s absence on the attendance record and any additional information about the child’s absence in the daily written record.

    Releasing a child from care

    1. The staff who is supervising the child at the time of pick-up shall only release the child to the child’s parent/guardian or individual that the parent/guardian has provided written authorization that the child care may release the child to. Where the staff does not know the individual picking up the child (i.e., parent/guardian or authorized individual),
      • confirm with another staff member that the individual picking up is the child’s parent/guardian/authorized individual.
      • where the above is not possible, ask the parent/guardian/authorized individual for photo identification and confirm the individual’s information against the parent/guardian/authorized individual’s name on the child’s file or written authorization.

    Where a child has not been picked up as expected (before centre closes)

    1. Where a parent/guardian has previously communicated with the staff a specific time or timeframe that their child is to be picked up from care and the child has not been picked up the staff shall contact the parent/guardian and advise that the child is still in care and has not been picked up.
      • Where the staff is unable to reach the parent/guardian, staff must send a message through the app. Where the individual picking up the child is an authorized individual and their contact information is available, the staff shall proceed with contacting the individual to confirm pick-up as per the parent/guardian’s instructions or leave a voice message to contact the centre.
      • Where the staff has not heard back from the parent/guardian or authorized individual who was to pick up the child the staff shall inform the center supervisor.

    Where a child has not been picked up and the centre is closed

    1. Where a parent/guardian or authorized individual who was supposed to pick up a child from care and has not arrived by 6:00 pm. staff shall ensure that the child is given a snack and activity, while they await their pick-up.
    2. One staff shall stay with the child, while a second staff proceeds with calling the parent/guardian to advise that the child is still in care and inquire their pick-up time. In the case where the person picking up the child is an authorized individual, the staff shall  
    3. If the staff is unable to reach the parent/guardian or authorized individual who was responsible for picking up the child, the staff shall communicate with parents informing them that their authorized pick up person is picking up the child.
    4. Where the staff is unable to reach the parent/guardian or any other authorized individual listed on the child’s file (e.g., the emergency contacts) by 6:30 pm, the staff shall proceed with contacting the York Children’s Aid Society (CAS) Staff shall follow the CAS’s direction with respect to next steps.


  2. Outdoor Play and Weather Cut Off: Outdoor play is an integral part of the daily schedule at We B Kidz and plays an important role in the development of children’s overall well-being. At We B Kidz we are aiming to provide safe, fun outdoor space for children where they can engage in various physical activities. In addition to providing physical benefits, outdoors play strengthens functioning in cognitive areas such as perception, attention, creative problem solving, and complex thinking. You can find more about our playground policy and weather cut off at link Playground Safety Policy

  1. Rest Routine and Sleep Supervision: We B Kidz understands that effective sleep and rest routines are essential in ensuring the development, growth, social and emotional well-being of each child in our care. We will ensure that all children have appropriate opportunities to sleep rest and relax in accordance with their individual needs. In order to provide the most comfortable and safest sleep routine for children, We B Kidz has added the sleep section in the enrollment package. Parents indicate in the Enrollment Package how children are to be placed on their cot (ie. back, stomach, or side) and what they are to use during nap which are provided by parents (ie. blanket, stuffed toy, pillow, or soother). and if the nap is to be reduced or no nap required. Parents will be consulted respecting a child’s sleeping arrangements at the time of enrollment, upon transition to another classroom or upon a parent’s request.
    • All children in Toddler and Preschool rooms will be placed in individual cots for sleep in accordance with any written instructions from the child’s parent
    • Each child in care will have a cot labelled with their name with a cot sheet. This label is to be applied to the actual cots in a manner that allows staff and parents to be made aware of whom each crib belongs to. No child is to be put on a cot without a clean bedsheet.
    • Sleep time will not exceed two (2) hours.
    • We B Kidz cares about the individual needs of children; Therefore, sleeping is not mandatory at We B Kidz. Children who do not sleep will be given a quiet activity. activities To learn more about sleep supervision policy, please read Rest Routine and Sleep
      Supervision Policy
  2. Walking and Learning Trips – Off Premises: From time to time short walking trips or, on occasion major learning trips may occur to expand the learning the children have begun in their classrooms. When learning trips are planned, parents will be given complete details regarding the purpose of the trip, the transportation method being used, the cost involved and the date/time of the activity. Sometimes we stay put and invite the adventure to come to us. Information regarding special visitors or activities will be provided for parents.

Clothing and Personal Items:

  • We recommend that children be dressed in comfortable casual clothing that allows freedom of movement. We B Kidz encourages children to play freely and to get involved in many experiences such as art and craft, water play, sand play, and outdoor play. We ask that children never be sent in clothes that must be kept clean as a child who is worried about getting clothes dirty will be restricted in their play. The centre will provide protective smocks and aprons for the children to wear. An extra set of clothing be kept at the center in case of soiling of clothes. All extra clothing should be marked with the child’s name and placed in a labeled bag. We B Kidz can not be held responsible for soiled clothes.
  • Indoor closures running shoes are required and are to be kept at the center (specially during rainy and winter months). Party shoes, crocs, flip-flops, and open backed shoes are not permitted as they increase the risk of falling.
  • Licensing requires that children be taken outdoors each day. Children should be dressed accordingly: light jacket, cap, rain boots in fall and spring; heavy winter jacket, mittens, hat, and snow boots in winter. An extra sweater or sweatshirt at childcare is recommended for sudden changes in temperature Please note that children will not be able to participate in some programming throughout the day if they are not dressed properly.
  • Bottles, soothers, sippy cups, or teething rings, blankets, stuffed animals, creams, sunscreens provided by the parents must be handed to the teacher for labeling and documentation purposes. Please do not leave them in the child’s bag or cubby area.
  • Please ensure your child’s personal belongings are labeled to prevent loss. In addition, we ask that you please leave your child’s toys at home.  The only time toys from home are allowed at the Centre is on “Show and Share” days.  Furthermore, guns, fighting toys, or any toys promoting violence and/or destruction will not be permitted at the Centre (not even for Show & Share). We B Kidz cannot accept responsibility for the loss of any personal belongings that children may bring to the program.

Admission and Discharge

Admission Policy: All forms, including enrollment package, void cheque and immunization forms must be completed and submitted to office prior to start date. Registration fee must be paid upon registration.

Discharge Policy: To terminate the care of your child at We B Kidz, we require 30 days written notice.  fees will continue to be charged for the 30 days period after the day notice is received and all outstanding balances must be paid before the child leaves. 

We reserve the right to cancel the enrollment of your child at We B Kidz if:

Waitlist Policy

After receiving a tour at We B Kidz, the supervisor will confirm with the parents whether the dates and the age group that the parents are requesting are available. If not, the supervisor will provide information about when spaces are expected to open in the requested age group. Should the date requested for care not be available, parents may choose to be placed on a waitlist by filling out the waitlist form, with no deposits required. Please note that the waitlist does not secure a spot for a child.  To read more about our waitlist policy please read the document below

Fees and Financials

We B Kidz is proud to be enrolled in the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care System, which aims to offer families more accessible and exceptional childcare services. As part of this program, the government is currently providing coverage for 52.75% of parents’ fees, making high-quality childcare more affordable for families. To learn more about the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care (Cwellcc) program and its benefits, please visit the official website at: https://www.canada.ca/en/early-learning-child-care-agreement/agreements-provinces-territories/ontario-canada-wide-2021.html.

  • We B Kidz only offers full time program.
  • Bi-weekly payments are determined based on the number of days registered.
  • A void cheque is requested prior to the start date in order to set up an automatic-withdrawal system for payments.
  • There is a $300 registration fee which is non-refundable to be paid upon registration. 
  •  Late fee: A late fee of $2.00 per minute per child will be charged to those arriving after 6:00 p.m. on the next billing period.
  • Fee payments include statutory holidays.
  • There won’t be any reimbursement or fee reduction for sick days, vacations, inclement weather or any missing days. Parents are required to pay for the registered days regardless of the attendance
  • To stop payment, or for any change in program and fees (ex: from part time to fulltime or vise versa) requires 30 days written notice.
  • NSF Fees of $50 charge would be applied on any occasion where a payment is missed or there is none sufficient fund. This additional $50 charge would be applied to the next planned bi-weekly payment. If late payment of fees and nonpayment fees are recurrent, we may ask for a certified cheque. We may terminate the care if payments are continuously missed. We B Kidz reserves the right to hold your tax receipts if there is an outstanding balance until that account is paid to date.
  • Tax Receipts will be given to families during month of February.
  • Fees are subject to annual increase.
  • To review the most updated We B Kidz fee chart , click here

Staff Qualification

Our educators are qualified professionals carefully chosen through a selection interview process. All Early Childhood Educators are required to be registered with the College of Early Childhood Educators.

  • RECEs must renew their membership with the College on an annual basis and remain in good standing.
  • All staff have completed a Police Vulnerable Sector Check which is renewed every five years.
  • All staff must have Standard First Aid & Infant and Child CPR up to date.
  • All staff must have complete health and vaccination report prior to start date.
  • Staff are committed to the ongoing professional development. Teachers at We B Kidz are committed to participating in a minimum of 4 sessions of in-house and outside workshops and training sessions per year

Students and Volunteers

We B Kidz welcomes both placement students and volunteers into the various programs offered in our childcare program. We believe it is a valuable for students to gain experience in a childcare environment. Volunteers and students also play an important role in supporting staff in the daily operation of childcare programs.

  • Students and volunteers will always be supervised by a We B Kidz employee and never permitted to be alone with any child or group of children who receive childcare
  • Students and volunteers will not be counted in staff to child ratios.
  • Students and volunteers must review that all policies, procedures and individual plans before they start their educational placement or begin volunteering, annually thereafter and when changes occur to the policies, procedures and individualized plans to support appropriate implementation. They are subject to all We B Kidz policies and procedures.
  • Students and volunteers must submit a vulnerable sector check (VSC) and annual offence declarations
  • Students and volunteers must submit Standard first aid and CPR level C prior to start date
  • Students and volunteers must submit medical form

Duty to Report

In accordance with the Child and Family Services Act, it is the responsibility of every person in Ontario, to immediately report to a Children’s Aid Society it he / she believes that child abuse has occurred or if there is a risk of abuse. The legislation places additional responsibility on individuals who perform professional or official duties with respect to children, to report his / her suspicion of child abuse or risk of abuse to a Children’s Aid Society. This includes any operator or Staff of a day nursery.

All persons making a report of suspected child abuse are protected against civil action, unless that person is proven to have acted “maliciously or without reasonable grounds for the belief or suspicion”. Any information related to a suspicion or report of child abuse is confidential between the person directly involved, the person making the report and the Children’s Aid Society. The supervisor, in consultation with the Children’s Aid Society, will give direction regarding the appropriate sharing of information with Staff/ students/ volunteers. Discussing any information with others outside the designated individuals related to a situation of suspected child abuse is a breach of confidentiality.

Illness Policy

Health care is of great importance. Although illness in group settings is inevitable, we try to minimize this by practicing good hygiene, disinfecting toys and furniture’s regularly, making daily health checks and close monitoring of children. If educators notice bruise, cut, scrape or etc. during health check, they ask parents what happened, and they document the reason. Staff member won’t admit children showing signs of illnesses.

Should your child become ill during the day you will be contacted to pick up your child. Upon pick up time, staff will give you an illness report. Documenting the symptoms, temperatures and times taken as well as parent follow up documentation. Your child will be separated from other children to avoid the spread of illness. Your child can return to the centre after he/she has been symptoms free 48 hours. Should the supervisor suspect something contagious, a doctor’s note or an increased symptoms free time period may be implemented. When your child does get sick, we ask that you remember the following:

  • Children who are too ill to play, are too ill to come to childcare
  • Children who show signs of fever of 37.5 c or above can’t attend
  • Children who have two or more episodes of vomiting or/and diarrhea can’t attend
  • Abdominal pain
  • Chills
  • Decrease or loss of sense of taste or smell
  • Undiagnosed skin rashes, hives or infections
  • Grey or white stools
  • Red eyes with noticeable yellow or green discharge
  • Flushing, pallor
  • Difficult or rapid breathing or severe coughing
  • Lice: We B Kidz requires the staff or children to provide a proof of treatment note from a lice clinic or medical professional before return to the center.

We follow York region Guidelines for Common Childhood Communicable Diseases.

Administration of Medication

Over the counter Medication: will be allowed to be kept at We B Kidz for 1 week (including weekends). If the medication needs to stay longer you may speak with the supervisor and complete a new medication form.

Prescribed Medication: will be allowed to be kept at We B Kidz for the length of time outlined on the prescription

Emergency Medications: related to the individualized allergy or medical plan and emergency procedures must be kept at We B Kidz at all the time.

Medications will only be administered to a child:

  • Where a parent of the child has given written authorization to do so by completing and signing the We B Kidz medication administration form. Parents must clearly indicate: Start date, End date, the situations under which the medication should be given. This could include the physical symptoms that must be present, the behaviour the child must be exhibiting or the child’s temperature (ex: when the child has a fever of 39.5 degrees Celsius, when the child has a persistent cough and/or difficulty breathing, when red hives appear on the skin’, etc.). Simply indicating “as needed” or “as required” is not sufficient.
  • Medications are brought in their original containers
  • Medication has not expired
  • Staff are required to follow the directions on the original container, a doctor’s note may be required if the dosage is listed by weight or you are requesting a dosage different than the directions on the container.
  • Never leave medication, lotions, chapstick etc. in your child’s bag or cubbies. Always hand them to a staff member.

Incidents and Injuries

The safety and well being of your child in our childcare program are of the highest priority. We work diligently to provide a safe, creative and nurturing environment for all. Despite the best precautions, accidents and injuries can sometimes take place.  

If your child is involved in a minor accident while in our care, educators will immediately administer first aid. We will provide an incident report when you come to pick up. You will be asked to sign an Incident report to acknowledge that We B Kidz have informed you about the incident, you will also receive an electronic copy of the form. Depending on the extent of the injury, you may be asked to pick up your child to seek the appropriate medical attention.

Emergency Management Policy and Procedures

In the event of a fire, tornado, natural disaster and other related emergency situations, our staff will follow the emergency management policy and procedure.  Fire drills are practiced every month. An outline of the emergency evacuation procedure, meeting spot and alternate evacuation location is posted on parent boards within the centre.   In the event of an emergency, Supervisor and educators must notify parents/guardians of the emergency as soon as possible. Educators can use We B Kidz phone line in the classrooms to contact parents. An up-to-date emergency contact list is available with numbers to all emergency personnel including police, fire and ambulance as well as the nearest poison control centre, taxi service in classrooms, staff room, office and kitchen. In the case of an emergency and evacuation of the center, staff are permitted to have on them their cell phones to aid in communication with parents to ensure that all parents of children on site have been contacted. In the case of phone lines being down, we will use emails as a means of communicating with parents or emergency personnel. To learn more about our emergency management policy and procedure please click on link below emergency management policy and procedure

Nutrition and Food Policy

We are committed to the well-being of our children, and that starts with their nutrition. We believe healthy food, drinks and eating habits greatly effect the learning and growth of the children. We B Kidz menus are designed to meet the recommended criteria of Canada’s Food Guide, and the Child Care and Early Years Act. Our delicious, nutritionally balanced childcare menu is prepared and cooked by a chef qualified in food handling to ensure all health and safety regulations are followed. We B Kidz offers daily continental breakfast, hot lunch and 2 healthy snacks in the afternoon. Every day our chef prepares fresh, wholesome homemade meals that will help your children be their absolute best. Our chef pays attention to the flavours, smells, and textures appropriate to the developmental stages of each age group. We B Kidz respect and make every effort to accommodate allergies, special diets, and food restrictions. Any allergy and food restrictions are to be discussed with the centre supervisor. You can read more about our allergy policy at below link

Parent Code of Conduct

At We B kidz we believe staff, parents and children are entitled to a safe and protective environment in which to learn and work. Behaviour that will cause harassment, alarm, or distress to all using our childcare’s premises is not acceptable. Our code of conduct policy set expectations for all parents and visitors:

  • That all members of We B Kidz community behave with respect toward each other regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation, disability, or any other ground.
  • That adults set a good example for our children, demonstrating how to get along with all members of the community and how to resolve disagreements.
  • That no members of staff, parents or children are the victims of abusive behaviour or open to threats from other adults
  • That physical attacks and/or threatening behaviour, abusive or insulting language (both verbal or in writing) to staff, and children will not be tolerated and Individuals engaging in such behaviour will be asked to leave the premises immediately. These behaviours may result in termination of care. Types of behaviour that are considered serious and unacceptable and will not be tolerated towards any member of We B Kidz (list is not exhaustive): 
    • Shouting, either in person or over the telephone. Speaking in an aggressive/threatening tone 
    • Disrupting lessons and school routines
    • Inappropriate posting on Social Networking sites which could bring the center into disrepute and/or may be deemed as bullying. 
    • Physically intimidating staff and/or students or any other person on We B Kidz premises
    • The use of aggressive hand gestures/exaggerated movements 
    • Physical threats
  • Any pictures taken at the centre are for the private use of We B Kidz families only. 
  •          Parents and teachers are strictly prohibited from sharing children’s pictures taken at We B Kidz on any social media platforms. Only the official We B Kidz website or authorized pages are allowed to share pictures of children and teachers. However, such sharing can only occur if parents have provided their consent by signing the photo authorization section in the enrollment form.The privacy and confidentiality of our parents, teachers, volunteers, and students is important to use.The privacy and confidentiality of our parents, teachers, volunteers and students is important to us.

  • Please follow “Parents Issues and Concerns” policy when concerns arise. Gossip and public criticism of are not helpful to anybody and will not resolve the issue. Issues can be brought to attention of teachers or the center supervisor and shouldn’t be discussed with other parents in the center or via electronic mediums and social media. In serious cases We B Kidz will also consider its legal options to deal with any such misuse of social networking and other sites which are being used to publicly humiliate or undermining center performance.

Parents Issues and Concerns

As evident with our program statement, we support positive and responsive interactions among children, parents/guardians, childcare providers, and staff. We also foster engagement in having ongoing communication with the parents/guardians about the program and their child(ren). Our staff are taught to engage with the parents/guardians in conversations regarding the child(ren) in a pleasant manner that fosters a positive experience every time. Parents are encouraged to engage in our childcare centre and regularly discuss what their child(ren) are experiencing with our program.

Any concerns regarding your child’s care at We B Kidz should be discussed with the classroom teacher first. If you are not comfortable discussing the issues directly with your child’s classroom teacher for any reason, the supervisor is always available to listen and address your concerns. Our goal is to come to a mutually agreeable resolution for your concern as soon as possible. A primary response to your concern will be provided within 3 business days. Some issues may require more evaluation and we may need more time to address your concerns fully. If this is the case, you will be informed of the process. Issues/concerns may be brought forward verbally or in writing (via email or on our website). Responses and outcomes will be provided verbally, or in writing upon request. The level of detail provided to the parent/guardian will respect and maintain the confidentiality of all parties involved. To read more about parents issues and concerns please read following link


Smoke Free Policy

At We B Kidz smoking/vaping is prohibited at all times, this including the main building, the playgrounds, the balcony and the parking lot. This rule applies whether any children are present or not. Smoking will not be permitted on property and within 65 feet of the property in accordance with the Smoke Free Ontario Act (2017).


We B Kidz has parking spaces dedicated to our parents. Please always closely monitor for children while on the premises to ensure their safety and well being. We ask everyone to park in the designated parking spots in order to avoid creating traffic.

Inclement Weather

If situations with serious inclement weather arises, We B Kidz management makes necessary efforts to ensure that the centre remains operational during regular hours, however, we may be forced to cancel some of our services to ensure the safety of the children, families and our staff. We will follow the direction from local school boards. If your local school board is closed due to severe weather, We B Kidz may follow suite, however this does not necessitate closing of operations therefore we ask all our families to contact the center before leaving home. Center supervisor will attempt to send an email informing all as soon as possible. Please be aware that families will not be reimbursed for the days missed due to severe weather conditions.

First Day Check List

The first day of school can be very overwhelming not only for your child, but for you as well. We have created “First Day Checklist” to help you organize and plan ahead. Please label all your child’s belonging. Please bring the following to school on your child’s first day: